Job- and Career-Coaching
You can see yourself in these rather typical cases for coaching and want to change your situation?
What are your circumstances? Let’s talk about possibilities for working together: Contact
Get in the driver seat of your career

Because you belong there, and nobody else.
We all know times at a crossroad, when faced with a (difficult) decision, different options, the need for orientation.
Maybe your job feels dreary and uninspired, the career stagnates. Perhaps the environment has changed and you have the feeling of not quite being at the right place anymore.
Gain clarity and decide on your own course, in your tempo, in your way, to your goal.
Successful in your new job

Every new job comes with its own challenges and you want to convince and flourish from day one. No matter if you have started a new position or are preparing for one: show what you are made of.
Skillfully avoid possible stumbling blocks and analyse your new environment so that you will be more effective and successful.
When everything is a bit too much

Immediately after waking up your thoughts are running wild, at night is is hard to let go of what happened that day. Sounds familiar?
Perhaps you notice a nagging sensation of feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope, or typical stress symptoms such as tiredness, difficulties concentrating, impatience or testiness are recurring frequently.
These are warning signs towards a burnout. Take preventive action and strengthen your resilience, e.g. with coaching or the well-proven method of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.
Competently managing difficult relationships

Is there somebody who pushes your buttons rather frequently and your patience seems to vanish quickly when interacting with them? A conflict seems likely but you need to work together constructively?
Find ways of cooperation with people you experience as difficult and loosen the interpersonal ‘knots’ and hindrances that are complicating things unnecessarily.
Know yourself: Gain insights from your individual personality profile

Something does not sit right and you want to find out more, learn about yourself and grow?
The Linc Personality Profiler can give you valuable insights.
You receive an in-depth analysis of the five most important personality traits across thirty facettes and a detailed report about your personal characteristics and preferences.
With the help of this analysis you can find out in your coaching for example where possible conflicts are lurking or what you need in order to fully develop your potential.