Burnout Prevention and Stress Management (MBSR, mindfulness based stress reduction)
You are sailing through rough waters near the wind?
Do you recognize the feeling that it is all getting a bit too much and you fear to drown?
How mindfulness can help you to keep the balance:

Mindfulness is a lot more than ‘just’ a buzzword, it works.
The concept is very easy to understand: fully being in the present moment, with complete awareness, free of any judgement. This leads, among other effects, to a clearer state of mind, greater awareness in thought and action, a more relaxed and equanimous reaction to stress or unforeseen situations. Lessening the sensations of stress has proven positive effects on health and vitality and strengthens the resilience.
We cannot change the wind, but we can adjust the sails.
Despite the rather simple definition of mindfulness it is surprisingly difficult to be mindful during everyday life – old habits die hard. New behavioral patterns feel unfamiliar or even uncomfortable. But that is normal – you do not expect to be a tennis or golf pro after the first training session either, and a few aching muscles are part of the process.
These options are available for you to sustain a healthy course with the help of mindfulness:
'Classic' MBSR 8-week-course in a group
There are good reasons why the programme ‘Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction’ (MBSR) is a long running hit since it was designed in the early 80s. The content is very well selected and composed, aiming at feasible and sustainable change in the life of the participants.
Many practical exercises increase the likelihood of transfer into everyday life after the course has finished.
Group courses in English are offered upon request and with a minimum of 6 participants. The course can be held online.
Individual MBSR 8-week-course
The content is the same as in the group course, but we arrange the single sessions at your convenience, often as a mix of online and presence sessions. 100% online classes are equally possible.
The 8 weekly sessions run for 1.5 hours and the practice day consists of 4 hours.
Participating in a MBSR-course is only possible after a personal preliminary talk (by phone or online). Therefore please contact me in good time before you would like to start the programme in order to arrange for a call. There you have the opportunity to ask questions and check your motivation as well as capability to engage in the daily personal practice of 40-45 minutes that is part of the programme.
If you speak some German you find a lot more information on the content of MBSR and dates for the next group courses in German on my website www.achtsamkeit-schulen.de.
Recommendable for more inspiration and information are these videos:
- Jon Kabat-Zinn with Oprah Winfrey, ‘Mindfulness in Everyday Life’, 13 mins.
- ‘‘Why Mindfulness Is a Superpower: An Animation’, 3 mins.