I am convinced that we all have a lot more power and potential within us than we are aware of. We can use this inner wealth to shape our life in-line with our beliefs and vision.
What do you want to transform? How do you use your potential? What does your personal success look like?
Let’s get moving, build bridges where needed, and you will find the way to reach your goal.
“Paths are made by walking.” -Franz Kafka

With more than 20 years of professional experience in global players under my belt I gained a wide range of experiences on which I am drawing in my coaching practice, especially:
Successfully managing complexity: During my career I held leadership positions in a local organisation, headquarter functions and a management unit consisting of 8 very heterogeneous countries. Every time the requirements varied a lot, changed constantly and I encountered plenty of challenging situations.
Internationality: Having spent 6 years in 4 countries during my studies and professional assignments has certainly changed my way of looking at the world around me. From personal experience I know how demanding a new start and life as an expatriate can be – especially abroad and with language and cultural barriers.
At home in many cultures: There are more cultures than those of different countries. Not only my communication and mediation skills were expanded greatly by having filled management positions in a large consumer goods company in such varied fields as Sales, Marketing, Finance/ Controlling and IT-projects.
In addition to my professional experience I hold certificates from the largest German associations both as Business Coach and trainer for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).
Further qualifications:
- Coaching with the Zurich Resource Model ZRM®
- Coaching with systemic constellations
- Certified e-Coach for online coaching
- LINC Personality Profiler (individual personality profiles, team checks, 360° feedback)
- Job & Career Coach based on Schulz von Thun methods